Thursday, November 20, 2008

Grey's Anatomy et cetera

Izzie is having sex with Denny's ghost, interns are cutting themselves up and stitching themselves back up, giving epidurals and taking out appendices out of healthy people. Will Grey's Anatomy redeem itself before the season is out?

I skipped work today. I had an excuse. I was ill.

I have started to see a psychologist to whom i gave the link to my blog and this is perhaps one of the reasons I haven't posted anything in the last couple of months.

The love of my life will be back from Japan after being away for few months in a few days. A part of me is excited but of the course the part that's the reason why i am seeing a psychologist is afraid, apprehensive. I am going to be face to face with my feelings of inadequacy, of not being enough for him, of not being good enough. He does not ask me to be more than I am and truth be told he perhaps does not need more than I am, but I am convinced that he deserves more than ME and I still haven't been able to shake that.

I bought a car and the fact that I don't have the car with me and at my disposal is probably a good thing. That way it will sink in slowly. I can pretend for a while that I do not have a car, however, my payslip with the salary deduction will jolt me back to reality. And I might be homeless in a few days but I am having a little faith.

At this point i just want the year to end. I really dont see what the next 41 days are going to accomplish. I just want a new year, a clean slate.

Why is it so difficult to get past the past and get to now? I suppose it would be easier if you could allow yourself to get up close and personal with the past, but if it isn't all that great then there really isn't incentive to got there. So you build walls brick by brick each day hoping to close everyone and everything that can potentially hurt you out, but the only thing you really succeed in doing is closing yourself in, closing yourself off from the world. And this really accomplishes nothing.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Today was one of those days when I really could not get anything done at work, my boss pissed me off, my plans for tomorrow got screwed which puts a damper on the things I would have liked to achieve tomorrow work wise thanks to guess what… work.

Today was also the day after I found out the insurance company will only give me life insurance coverage of a third of what I would have gotten (for the premium I can afford to pay) if I had not been honest and told them I had been to the doctor in the last however many months. I guess it is no use telling your children to be honest because it apparently does not get you anywhere except screwed.

I am only insured for the value of a car because I just might be sick. I have yet to be diagnosed with anything and they just could not wait until I actually had a diagnosis and “it was a hard decision whether to insure me or not”. So I suppose the underwriter wanted me to be grateful. What do you know, because I might be a little dented (no major damage, no engine trouble, no water damage due to Gustav) I am worth only the grand total of the cost of a car and maybe not even a new one depending on the model. But I think the thing that really gets me is that they will not review my case for two years and even if I go to the doctor the week after next (which is when I am due to go back) and he tells me I am perfectly fine and I am more likely to die from a bullet or have a vehicle mow me down than from any illness, I will still be labelled as sick by the insurance company for two bloody years.

Today was also the day that I found out I am invited to a wedding next February. I like being I invited to weddings by non-family and not as the person after the and, as in “so and so and guest”. Family feels like obligation but with non-family it means that they really thought about it and they really wanted you to be there. I am a girl so I am all into the wedding thing. Of course you have to have the obligatory invitees but for the most part I want my wedding (if I ever have one) to be witnessed by the people that really matter in both our lives no matter the number, unless there are way too many people that matter to us both than we can afford to feed. In that case, we will have to elope and hope that all the people who will be mad at us for eloping will come around once the first child enters the picture (should we be so blessed).

Today was also the day I discovered D. H. Lawrence’s poem “The Elephant Is Slow To Mate”. Maybe I belong to the elephant family, but that’s an aside. The poem piqued my curiosity about elephants and thanks to good old Wikipedia I found out that female elephants are usually attracted to “bigger, stronger, and, most importantly, older males”. This is a strategy to increase their offspring's chances of survival. I suppose us ladies could take a few lessons from the elephants and adopt it to human life. Let’s face it this whole finding a mate thing is more about reproduction than about, dare I say it, love. Do not get me wrong I am not a cynic when it comes to love. I think love is a very wonderful thing and an even more wonderful thing is the realization that the person that you love loves you back with equal (never less) force.

Let’s look at it objectively. The female elephants do not necessarily go for the nicest looking male elephants or the one with the nicest car. Just humour me; I know elephants do not drive cars. I suppose we could equate the car thing to the fastest elephant. The fact is the strongest elephant may not be the fastest. A weaker elephant may have to be faster so he can outrun the enemy whereas the stronger elephant can stand up and fight. Maybe I am taking this whole elephant thing too far, but the bottom line is this, the whole mating thing is not all frivolity and one should be smart. One last elephant thing, even though they are huge they are gentle lovers and they are not exhibitionists. When they are ready to mate they usually go away from the herd for a while.

How did I end up at D.H.Lawrence? Apart from the fact that I have not finished reading “Women In Love” (one book of many I have started and put down for more frivolous, however, less interesting ones), I found a quote attributed to him today – “Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot.”

Today is also the day when it is out with the old and in with the new. “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” has been replaced by “When life gives you lemons you have the beginning of a great gin and tonic”.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What's On My Mind Today

It’s 8.05 p.m. Jamaica time and I am sitting at home finding everything to do except the assignment that is due tomorrow that I haven’t even started and don’t have a clue how to do. I had asked for an extension yesterday but the response to that request has not been forthcoming, so unless when I wake up tomorrow there will be an email in my box saying extension granted, I’m basically screwed. And if it is that said email will be there tomorrow, it would be great if I found that out about right now.

I have been sitting here going over the day’s events. I have thought about the lyrics to Linkin Park’s “Leave Out All The Rest”, the child who thinks he has an interfering parent who he just wants to leave him alone, how empty I felt today and the lengths one goes in the name of “love”. So, each one in turn:

Leave Out All The Rest is my song for this week. You know that in Jamaica no matter how bad a person was, nothing bad is ever said at the funeral (at least not in the official proceedings), well this is the song, in my opinion, that the not so great people would sing before dying if our culture was not what it is. The song is much more than that but you listen and decide for yourself what you want it to mean.

And to the child who wants to be left alone. One day you are going to wake up and that interfering parent is not going to be there and you know what, you are going to miss him. There will be a void that no one in any other shoes will be able to fill. In most cases our parents do what they think is best for us; give them the courtesy of at least listening before jumping to conclusions. And it does take them a while to get used to the fact that you are an adult capable of making your own decisions and dealing with the consequences. But they are always going to want to save you no matter where you are or how old you are.

I cannot think of a particular reason for the emptiness, but today was one of those days. We all have them, some of us worse than others. But we live through them even if we feel like we would not want to and then before you know it, it is tomorrow with its own agenda. So on to tomorrow.

Love is a wonderful thing. I have no problems with love, but what is it about being in love or it might just be plain infatuation that makes us act in the craziest of ways? Relationships have to be based on reciprocity. You give and I give. Not I give all the time and you take all the time. While I do acknowledge the need to not keep score in a realtionship, you do have to keep a tally of sorts. This is not to be used as ammunition but to evaluate if the relationship is giving you all you need and/or you are sacrificing too much. Granted, what works for one person may not work for another and given your maturity level, your self esteem etc. being walked all over may just work for you, but it shouldn’t.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Mid Year Blues

I haven’t posted anything for a while but nevertheless, here goes.

It is almost the end of July and I really have no idea where the rest of the year up to here went. It has been a non-descript year, where I have failed miserably so far in getting anything crossed off my list. (You know the list you make at the beginning of the year of things you would like to achieve.) Well now I have all of 5 months to make up for it.

I really wanted to focus on my writing but that hasn’t happened. I wanted to change jobs but that hasn’t happened either. I ordered Julie Jansen’s book “I Don’t Know What Want But I Know It’s Not This: A Step By Step Guide To Finding Gratifying Work” to help me on my quest to find my “working” place in this world. Isn’t sad that there are so many people (the author of this blog included) that are unhappy with their jobs. I mean you spend 8 hours or more of your day there. You spend time commuting to there and back home. You sometimes take it home with you. I really ought to be fun. I’m not having fun. I feel like every minute I spend in the office (which is probably giving everyone there sick building syndrome) I feel like the life is being sucked out of me. I spend every day counting the minutes to quitting time. I ask myself in the mornings why I have to go to work today and on Mondays the answer is usually “because it’s Monday, it being the first working day of the week”. The thing is while I am disillusioned with my current employment, I have no idea what I want to do. Of course there are endless possibilities but I just can’t keep myself still enough to make a plan, stick with it and see it through.

I was supposed to exercise. This is supposed to be week 3 of my Body by Glamour diet and workout programme and well, I haven’t been dieting or exercising. Well technically that is not true. I have been eating smaller portions unwillingly since I haven’t really had much of an appetite and I’ve been trying to walk more. So instead of getting lunch somewhere close by, I find a place that it is not so close and walk to it but as to the official programme, nothing.

At some point in January I wanted to go to law school and between sending in the damn application and it getting close to the time for me to find out if I had actually gotten accepted I decided that I didn’t want to get accepted. So as usual with my twisted relationship with the universe, I got accepted and as of right now I don’t think I am going to go. The funny thing is that, I made my peace with that yesterday. Once I stopped long enough to be able to hear what was being said I got the message. The message that said you don’t have to go, the message that said plan B. And for the first time, I heard what Plan B was supposed to be and I wasn’t left in a tizzy trying to figure my life out.

Apparently this whole figuring out life thing is might not be as hard as I have been purporting it to be. It is just that you know where you want to get but you don’t know the route to get there and then sometimes as soon as you think you have the route all figured out, you decide on a whole new destination and then you have to do the whole figuring out of the route all over again. I think I would rather know the route and have the destination be a surprise.

As of right now, with all the resolve I can muster up on a Monday after lunch, I am throwing out the list, but not throwing in the towel.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New Version Of Me

I'm blogging because its the 8th day of the new year and I have not written anything as yet. It is a new year with countless possibilities and after the year I had last year, this year just has to be hands down better. So here's my take on the matter, its an even numbered year, i'm born on an even numbered day in an even numbered month and will be an even numbered age in a leap year (one extra day to fix any messes that may occur), so its going to be 2000 and great! not eight.

So to the new version of me. The new version of me is going to be more assertive and aggressive. She is not going to put up with the crap. She is going to acquire the car and start the process towards acquiring the house. She is not going to be depressed. She is going to love. She is not going to gripe. She is going to live life to its fullest because she is going to remember that she has only one life to live.